Casting for: EVER WILL

The Early Years and Final Days of William Shakespeare

Book and Lyrics: Pamela Gilbreath Kelly

Composer: Carlos Garza

Synopsis: How did Shakespeare become Shakespeare? This is the story of the 50-year old William Shakespeare, exhausted and retiring to his home in Stratford to rest on his laurels and die. Instead, responding to a dare, he confronts the ghosts of his past, including an ambitious, alcoholic father and an on-going religious war. As he relives the
losses, betrayals and dangers of his youth, we discover the source of his genius.

Learn more at

NOTE: This will be presented as a staged reading. This is a no-pay, non-union production.

Audition Info: Please prepare 32 bars of a classic broadway song, along with two contrasting monologues. Please also bring a headshot and resume. Not all roles will require singing and there will be some doubling of parts. You can request either an in-person audition slot or send in a self-tape.

In-Person Auditions: For an audition slot please contact and They will be held on Sunday, October 27th from 6-9 PM.

Self-Tape Submissions: Please send all self-tapes to by EOD Sunday, October 27th.

Rehearsal/Show Info: Rehearsals will be on Sundays from 6-9 PM beginning Sunday, November 3rd. Subject to change based on cast availability. All shows and rehearsals will be held at Long Beach Shakespeare Co. 4250 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807.

Show Dates: Saturday, January 4th at 7 PM & Sunday, January 5th at 2 PM


- NARRATOR (Older William Shakespeare) 40-60: He is near the end of his life, recapping his journey from boyhood until now.

- JOHN SHAKESPEARE (30-50): William's father. He is trying to support his family amongst the ever-changing system.

- WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (20-30) Tenor: William from 15-22 where he discovers himself and begins writing plays.

- YOUNG WILL (10-15): William as a little boy

- LORD HOUGHTON (30-60): A wealthy landowner and Catholic that Will stays with as a tutor for his children.

- SIR THOMAS LUCY (20-50) Tenor: A powerful landowner and Protestant enforcer to the Queen.

- FULKE (20-30): Leading player in a theatre troupe that Will joins

- WILL KEMP (20-40) Tenor: A popular clown among the theatre troupe

- BRIAN (20-30): Another player and Wills friend in the acting troupe

- ANNE HATHAWAY (20-40) Alto: Wife of William Shakespeare

- MARY SHAKESPEARE (25-40) Mezzo: William's mother

- LADY HOUGHTON (25-40) Alto: The French wife of Lord Houghton. She is half her husband's age.

- YOUNG ANNE (10-15): Anne Hathaway as a young girl